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Evolution of the Meiji State

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d. Foreign Relations in the Meiji Era

2-22 Treaty Revision

In commemoration of his full recovery after a major operation following the bombing attempt on his life, OKUMA Shigenobu is shown surrounded by close family members and nurses at the Foreign Minister's Residence From (Okuma Haku 100wa)
In commemoration of his full recovery after a major operation following the bombing attempt on his life, OKUMA Shigenobu is shown surrounded by close family members and nurses at the Foreign Minister's Residence From "Okuma Haku 100wa"

On 18 October 1889 (Meiji 22), when Foreign Minister, OKUMA Shigenobu, was engaged in treaty revision negotiations, KURUSHIMA Tsuneki, a member of the Fukuoka Gen'yosha, threw a bomb at an open horse-drawn carriage in which OKUMA was riding, causing him to lose a leg. OKUMA's "loss of a leg" (the word also means "downfall" or "loss of position" in Japanese) also caused the treaty revision negotiations to collapse.

This document is a draft of a telegram sent by the Japanese Government to its embassies and consulates abroad, ordering them to relate to the respective countries the situation involving OKUMA's loss of leg and the temporary halt in the treaty revision negotiations.

Draft of a Directive Telegraphed to Legations Overseas

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