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Initial Steps toward a Constitutional State

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b. Attempts at Constitutional Government

1-13 Petition of the League for Establishing a National Assembly

Minkento (boe)(a people's rights party howling) From (Dan Dan Chinbun) issue no.146 (1881.2.7)
Minkento "boe"(a people's rights party howling) From "Dan Dan Chinbun" issue no.146 (1881.2.7)

Petition Requesting Permission to Establish a National Assembly From (Dan Dan Chinbun) issue no.166 (1881.6.26)
Petition Requesting Permission to Establish a National Assembly. From "Dan Dan Chinbun" issue no.166 (1881.6.26)

After the clamping down of the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877 (Meiji 10), there were no more attempts to initiate anti-government activities through the use of force. Meanwhile, the Freedom and People's Rights Movement grew in intensity, using argument rather than force to advance its cause. Under those circumstances, the Risshisha decided to revive the Aikokusha political society (1878), which had earlier met its demise shortly after being founded by ITAGAKI Taisuke. The Aikokusha held its conventions in the spring and autumn; and at the 4th convention held in March 1880 (Meiji 13), with the participation of regional society representatives and many other interested people, the League for Establishing a National Assembly was born.

The League drew up the "Petition Requesting (Imperial) Sanction to Establish a National Assembly," drafted by MATSUZAWA Kyusaku and NAGATA Ichiji, and appointed KONO Hironaka and KATAOKA Kenkichi to be the official "presenters" of the petition to the Grand Council of State (Dajokan) and Chamber of Elders (Genroin). However, it was not accepted.

Petition Requesting Permission to Establish a National Assembly

Petition Requesting Permission to Establish a National Assembly
  • April 1880 (Meiji 13)
  • Papers of KONO Hironaka, Document #168
  • National Diet Library
"NDL Digital Collections"

Petition Requesting Permission to Establish a National Assembly, Appendix

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