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d. Shift in Occupation Policies and Recovery of Independence

5-10 Shift in Occupation Policy

George F. KENNAN From (Lenin, Stalin to Seiho Sekai)
George F. KENNAN From "Lenin, Stalin to Seiho Sekai"

The Occupation policies pursued by GHQ had promoted the demilitarization and democratization of Japan in line with basic documents such as the "U.S. Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan" (SWNCC150/4/A), but the policy thrust underwent a marked shift as the Cold War intensified between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In March 1948 (Showa 23), John Kennan of the U.S. State Department Policy Planning Bureau visited Japan to discuss with General MACARTHUR the policies to be adopted leading to a peace treaty. He then submitted a document to the State Department expressing that such a peace would still be premature.

The State Department then drew up the document, "Recommendations with Respect to U.S. Policy toward Japan," on the basis of Kennan's report. The recommendations on the defense of Japan included the long-term control of Okinawa, the expansion of the naval base at Yokosuka, the strengthering of Japan's police force, as a shift to a policy of non-punitive terms of peace, the rehabilitation of former politicians and businessmen to all aimed to encourage the county's political and economic independence. The document was sent to the National Security Council (NSC) for review, and adopted on 7 October.

Recommendations with Respect to U.S.Policy toward Japan (NSC13/2)

Recommendations with Respect to U.S.Policy toward Japan (NSC13/2)
  • 7 October 1948
  • Harry S. Truman Library Documents, Record of the National Security Committee-Meetings <Sheet No. TRUMAN-4847>
  • National Diet Library
  • President Truman Library
  • Microfiche
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