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c. Evolution of Diet Politics

2-17 Closer Relationship between the Political Parties and the Government

ITO Hirobumi and OKUMA Shigenobu, at ITO's villa in Oiso From (Okuma KO 85nen Shi. Vol.2)
ITO Hirobumi and OKUMA Shigenobu, at ITO's villa in Oiso From "Okuma KO 85nen Shi. Vol.2"

On 22 November 1895 (Meiji 28), before the convening of the 9th Diet, the Liberal Party, which had been exploring a partnership with the Government, issued a 'declaration' announcing that it would seek mutual partnership, saying that its policies of a constitutional form of government were the same as that of the Cabinet in power. The declaration demonstrated the possibility of a tie up with the Satsuma Choshu clique, particularly with Prime Minister ITO Hirobumi. In response, ITO assembled his Cabinet members and issued a statement.

This document is an outline of that statement, that the policies of the Liberal Party supporting a constitutional form of government were in line with those of the Cabinet, stressing that "what can be yielded should be yielded," and that "cooperation should be attempted." It is thus a call for the necessity of the coalition between the two sides. The Liberal Party eventually entered the 9th Diet Session as the Government party, with ITAGAKI Taisuke joining the Cabinet as Home Minister in April 1896 (Meiji 29) upon his resignation from the Party.

Outline of Prime Minister ITO's Statement of His Policies

Outline of Prime Minister ITO's Statement of His Policies
  • 1895 (Meiji 28)
  • Papers of ITO Miyoji, #344
  • National Diet Library
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