
Hot springs which have long been associated with health, gushing out all over the world, have cultivated different uses and cultures in different parts of the world. The history of hot springs use for medical treatment is the same as that of other hot springs in the world, but in modern Japan, it is more commonly used for tourism. The fact that Japan has one of the largest numbers of hot springs in the world in terms of both the number of sources and the amount of hot springs, combined with the national love of hot springs, has helped to create a unique Japanese culture.
We hope that this exhibition will provide an opportunity to enjoy the hot springs while looking at the history and connections of regions and feeling the trends of culture.



From online encyclopedia service “JapanKnowledge”, Nihon daihyakka zensho, Kokushi daijiten, Sekai Daihyakka Jiten, Dejitaru daijisen, Nihon kokugo daijiten, Nihon rekishi chimei taikei, and Nihon jinmei daijiten (Last accessed on October 21, 2016).

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