Hotel Fukui (at Yokohama)

Hotel Fukui (renamed from Wadahiko). When a group of emigrant applicants with red blanket left the provinces and arrived at Yokohama led by agents of emigration companies, they were assigned to any of emigrant hotels including Wadahiko, Joshuya and Oseya, disinfected, had an eye examination and awaited their departure. It was said that small desolate hotels had given the applicants who failed in the eye examination certain foods that could aggravate eye diseases, such as salted salmon, in order to delay their recovery and make them stay longer.
There were emigrant hotels including the Hotel Iwakuniya, also at Kobe from which emigrant ships bound for Brazil departed. These hotels operated until the National Emigrant Center was established in 1928.

Image “Hotel Fukui (at Yokohama)”