Letter from Shigeru Yoshida to Genaral MacArthur dated May 2, 1947


May 2,1947.

General of the Army Douglas A. MacArthur,
G.H.Q., Tokyo.

My dear General,
0n behalf of the Japanese nation, I wish to express my profound gratitude and appreciation to you for restoring the national flag to the people of Japan for unrestricted display within and over the premises of the National Diet, the Supreme Court and the Prime Minister's residence as well as the Imperial Palace.

I assure you that the Japanese people shall respond to the trust and confidence shown in them by this significant step and shall devote their utmost endeavors to attain the high ideals embodied in their new Constitution.

The effectuation of the new Constitution tomorrow does indeed signify the start of a new and enduring era of peace based upon personal liberty, individual dignity, tolerance and justice. The restoration of the national flag to the Japanese nation at this historic moment is most fitting and shall spur them on to new and higher efforts to become a truly democratic and peaceful nation.

Very Sincerely Yours,
Shigeru Yoshida
[Shigeru Yoshida]

以下は上記文書の日本語訳です。「吉田茂=マッカーサー往復書簡集:1945-1951」袖井林二郎編訳. 法政大学出版局(2000)から転載しました。


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