
 ・Note of the Japanese Government regarding their Acceptance of the Provisions of the Potsdam Declaration
 ・Note of the Japanese Government regarding their Acceptance of the Provisions of the Potsdam Declaration
Answer of the United States Government to the Japanese Government on behalf of the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and China
 ・Communication of the Japanese Government of August 14th 1945 addressed to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China
 ・Communication of the Japanese Government of August 14th 1945 addressed to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China
[Notification of the United States Government of August 14 to the Japanese Government of Acceptance of Surrender Offer, and Surrender Orders]
[Notification of the United States Government of August 14 to the Japanese Government of Acceptance of Surrender Offer, and Surrender Orders]
 ・Message of the U.S. Government Concerning the Arrangements for the Cessation of Hostilities
 ・[Note of the Japanese Government of August 14 to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union Expressing its Desire with Reference to the Execution of Certain Provisions of the Potsdam Declaration]




発信日時 7月30日前1:30 着信日時 8月1日前10:10 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 837



発信日時 8月4日後10:28 着信日時 8月5日後5:15 発信者 在蘇佐藤大使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 1520



発信日時 8月9日後11:30 着信日時 8月11日前2:30 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 865



発信日時 8月10日前6:45 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使、在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 647



発信日時 8月10日前7:15 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使、在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 648



発信日時 8月10日前9:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 649



[Note of the Japanese Government of August 10 regarding their Acceptance of the Provisions of the Potsdam Declaration]

In obedience to the gracious command of His Majesty the Emperor who, ever anxious to enhance the cause of world peace, desires earnestly to bring about an early termination of hostilities with a view to saving mankind from the calamities to be imposed upon them by further continuation of the war, the Japanese Government asked several weeks ago the Soviet Government, with which neutral relations then prevailed, to render good offices in restoring peace vis-a-vis the enemy Powers. Unfortunately, these efforts in the interest of peace having failed, the Japanese Government, in conformity with the august wish of His Majesty to restore the general peace and desiring to put an end to the untold sufferings entailed by war as quickly as possible, have decided upon the following :
The Japanese Government are ready to accept the terms enumerated in the Joint Declaration which was issued at Potsdam on July 26th, 1945 by the heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain and China, and later subscribed by the Soviet Government, with the understanding that the said Declaration does not comprise any demand which prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as a sovereign ruler.
The Japanese Government hope sincerely that this understanding is warranted and desire keenly that an explicit indication to that effect will be speedily forthcoming.
The Japanese Government have the honor to request the Government of Switzerland to be good enough to forward immediately the above communications to the Governments of the United States and China,.


発信日時 8月10日前9:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 649



[Note of the Japanese Government of August 10 regarding their Acceptance of the Provisions of the Potsdam Declaration]

In obedience to the gracious command of His Majesty the Emperor who, ever anxious to enhance the cause of world peace, desires earnestly to bring about an early termination of hostilities with a view to saving mankind from the calamities to be imposed upon them by further continuation of the war, the Japanese Government asked several weeks ago the Soviet Government, with which neutral relations then prevailed, to render good offices in restoring peace vis-a-vis the enemy Powers. Unfortunately, these efforts in the interest of peace having failed, the Japanese Government, in conformity with the august wish of His Majesty to restore the general peace and desiring to put an end to the untold sufferings entailed by war as quickly as possible, have decided upon the following :
The Japanese Government are ready to accept the terms enumerated in the Joint Declaration which was issued at Potsdam on July 26th, 1945 by the heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain and China, and later subscribed by the Soviet Government, with the understanding that the said Declaration does not comprise any demand which prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as a sovereign ruler.
The Japanese Government hope sincerely that this understanding is warranted and desire keenly that an explicit indication to that effect will be speedily forthcoming.
The Japanese Government have the honor to request the Royal Swedish Government to be good enough to forward immediately the above communications to the Governments of the Soviet Union and Great Britain.


発信日時 8月10日前10:15 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使、在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 651



発信日時 8月10日前10:15 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使、在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 652



帝国政府ハ一九四五年七月二十六日「ポツダム」ニ於テ米、英、支三国政府首脳者ニ依リ発表セラレ爾後「ソ」聯政府ノ参加ヲ見タル共同宣言ニ挙ケラレタル条件ヲ右宣言ハ 天皇ノ国家統治ノ大権ヲ変更スルノ要求ヲ包含シ居ラサルコトノ了解ノ下ニ受諾ス


発信日時 8月10日 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使、在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 650



発信日時 8月10日後9:00 着信日時 8月11日後2:15 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 868



発信日時 8月10日後0:45 着信日時 8月11日前2:30 発信者 在瑞典岡本公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 519



発信日時 8月10日後3:20 着信日時 8月11日前9:10 発信者 在瑞典岡本公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 520



発信日時 8月11日前10:20 着信日時 8月12日後1:30 発信者 在瑞典岡本公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 522



発信日時 8月11日後11:26 着信日時 8月12日後6:10 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 875


Answer of the United States Government to the Japanese Government on Behalf of the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and China

発信日時 8月11日後11:24 着信日時 8月12日後6:40 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 876



Answer of the United States Government to the Japanese Government on behalf of the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and China.

With regard to the Japanese Government's message accepting the terms of the Potsdam Proclamation but containing the statement - with the understanding that the said declaration does not comprise any demand which prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as a sovereign ruler - our position is as follows : From the moment on surrender the authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate the surrender terms.
The Emperor will be required to authorize and ensure the signature by the Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters of the surrender terms necessary to carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration and shall issue his commands to all the Japanese military naval and air authorities and to all the forces under their control wherever located to cease active operations and to surrender their arms and to issue such other orders as the Supreme Commander may require to give effect to the surrender terms.
Immediately upon the surrender the Japanese Government shall transport prisoners of war and civilian internees to places of safety as directed where they can quickly be placed aboard allied transports.
The ultimate form of Government of Japan shall in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration be established by the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.
The armed forces of the allied powers will remain in Japan until the purposes set forth in the Potsdam Declaration are achieved.


発信日時 8月12日前9:20 着信日時 8月13日前7:40 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 875



発信日時 8月12日前9:40 着信日時 8月13日前7:40 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 876

昭和二〇 一〇一九八 平 ベルン 八月十二日〇九、四〇発
本省 十三日〇七、四〇着
第八七六号 緊急、別電


Answer of the United States Government to the Japanese Government on Behalf of the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and China

With regard to The Japanese Government's message accepting the terms of The Potsdam Proclamation but containing the statement - with the understanding that the said declaration does not comprise any demand which prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as a sovereign ruler - Our position is as follows :
From the moment of surrender the authority of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate the surrender terms.
The Emperor will be required to authorize and ensure the signature by the Government of Japan and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters of the surrender terms necessary to carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration and shall issue his commands to all the Japanese military naval and air authorities and to all the forces under their control wherever located to cease active operations and to surrender their arms and to issue such other orders as the Supreme Commander may require to give effect to the surrender terms. Immediately upon the surrender the Japanese Government shall transport prisoners of war and civilian internees to places of safety as directed where they can quickly be placed aboard allied transports.
The ultimate form of Government of Japan shall in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration be established by the freely expressed will of the Japanese people. The armed forces of the Allied Powers will remain in Japan until the purposes set forth in the Potsdam Declaration are achieved.


発信日時 8月12日後1:00 着信日時 8月13日前0:35 発信者 在瑞典岡本公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 524



発信日時 8月12日後1:30 着信日時 8月13日前2:10 発信者 在瑞典岡本公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 525



発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 352



発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 353



Communication of the Japanese Government of August 14th 1945 addressed to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China.

With reference to the Japanese Government's Note of August 10 regarding their acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration and the reply of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China sent by American Secretary of State Byrnes under the date of August 11, the Japanese Government have the honor to communicate to the Governments of the four Powers as follows :
1. His Majesty the Emperor has issued an Imperial Rescript regarding Japan's acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration.
2. His Majesty the Emperor is prepared to authorize and ensure the signature by His Government and the Imperial General Headquarters of the necessary terms for carrying out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration. His Majesty is also prepared to issue his commands to all the military, naval, and air authorities of Japan and all the forces under their control wherever located to cease active operations, to surrender arms, and to issue such other orders as may be required by the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces for the execution of the above-mentioned terms.


発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 354




一 天皇陛下ニ於カセラレテハ「ポツダム」宣言ノ条項受諾ニ関スル詔書ヲ発布セラレタリ
二 天皇陛下ニ於カセラレテハ其ノ政府及大本営ニ対シ「ポツダム」宣言ノ諸規定ヲ実施スル為必要トセラルベキ条項ニ署名スルノ権限ヲ与ヘ且之ヲ保障セラルルノ用意アリ又 陛下ニ於カセラレテハ一切ノ日本国陸、海、空軍右官憲及官憲ノ指揮下ニ在ル一切ノ軍隊ニ対シ戦闘行為ヲ終止シ、武器ヲ引渡シ、前記条項実施ノ為聯合国最高司令官ノ要求スルコトアルベキ命令ヲ発スルコトヲ命ゼラルルノ用意アリ


発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 352



発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 353


Communication of the Japanese Government of August 14th 1945 addressed to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China.

With reference to the Japanese Government's Note of August 10 regarding their acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration and the reply of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and China sent by American Secretary of State Byrnes under the date of August 11, the Japanese Government have the honor to communicate to the Governments of the four Powers as follows :
1. His Majesty the Emperor has issued an Imperial Rescript regarding Japan's acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration.
2. His Majesty the Emperor is prepared to authorize and ensure the signature by His Government and the Imperial General Headquarters of the necessary terms for carrying out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration. His Majesty is also prepared to issue his commands to all the military, naval, and air authorities of Japan and all the forces under their control wherever located to cease active operations, to surrender arms, and to issue such other orders as may be required by the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces for the execution of the above-mentioned terms.


発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 354



一 天皇陛下ニ於カセラレテハ「ポツダム」宣言ノ条項受諾ニ関スル詔書ヲ発布セラレタリ
二 天皇陛下ニ於カセラレテハ其ノ政府及大本営ニ対シ「ポツダム」宣言ノ諸規定ヲ実施スル為必要トセラルヘキ条項ニ署名スルノ権限ヲ与ヘ且之ヲ保障セラルルノ用意アリ又 陛下ニ於カセラレテハ一切ノ日本国陸、海、空軍官憲及右官憲ノ指揮下ニ在ル一切ノ軍隊ニ対シ戦闘行為ヲ終止シ武器ヲ引渡シ前記条項実施ノ為聯合国最高司令官ノ要求スルコトアルヘキ命令ヲ発スルコトヲ命セラルルノ用意アリ


発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 193



発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 194



発信日時 8月14日後11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 195



発信日時 8月14日後8:42 着信日時 8月15日前9:03 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 883



発信日時 8月15日前4:42 着信日時 8月16日前8:15 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 884

昭和二十年八月十五日〇四、四ニ ベルン発


[Notification of the United States Government of August 14 to the Japanese Government of Acceptance of Surrender Offer, and Surrender Orders]

発信日時 8月15日前4:30 着信日時 8月16日前10:30 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 885

(平) 昭和二十年八月十五日〇四、三〇 ベルン発

You are to proceed as follows :
1. Direct prompt cessation of hostilities by Japanese forces, informing the supreme commander for the allied powers of the effective date and hour of such cessation.
2. Send emissaries at once to the supreme commander for the allied powers with information of the disposition of the Japanese forces and commanders and fully empowered to make any arrangements directed by the supreme commander for the allied powers to enable him and his accompanying forces to arrive at the place designated by him to receive the formal surrender.
3. For the purpose of receiving such surrender and carrying it into effect, general of the army Douglas MacArthur has been designated as the supreme commander for the allied powers and he will notify the Japanese Government of the time, place and other details of the formal surrender.


発信日時 8月15日前4:42 着信日時 8月16日前8:15 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 884

昭和二十年八月十五日〇四、四ニ ベルン発


[Notification of the United States Government of August 14 to the Japanese Government of Acceptance of Surrender Offer, and Surrender Orders]

発信日時 8月15日前4:30 着信日時 8月16日前10:30 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 885

(平) 昭和二十年八月十五日〇四、三〇 ベルン発
十六日一〇、三〇 東京着

You are to proceed as follows :
1. Direct prompt cessation of hostilities by Japanese forces, informing the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers of the effective date and hour of such cessation.
2. Send emissaries at once to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers with information of the disposition of the Japanese forces and commanders, and fully empowered to make arrangements directed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to enable him and his accompanying forces to arrive at the place designated by him to receive the formal surrender.
3. For the purpose of receiving such surrender and carrying it into effect, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur has been designated as the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, and he will notify the Japanese Government of the time, place and other details of the formal surrender.


You are to proceed as follows :
1. Direct prompt cessation of hostilities by Japanese forces, informing the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers of the effective date and hour of such cessation.
2. Send emissaries at once to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers with information of the disposition of the Japanese forces and commanders and fully empowered to make any arrangements directed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to enable him and his accompanying forces to arrive at the place designated by him to receive the formal surrender.
3. For the purpose of receiving such surrender and carrying it into effect, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur has been designated as the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers and he will notify the Japanese Government of the time, place and other details of the formal surrender.


一 日本国軍隊の軍事行動の速急なる停止を指令し連合国最高司令官に右停戦実施の日時を通報すること
二 日本国軍隊及び司令官(複数)の配置に関する情報を有し且連合国最高司令官及び其の同行する軍隊が正式降服受理の為連合国最高司令官の指示する地点に到著し得る様連合国最高司令官の指示する打合を為すべき充分の権限を与えられたる使者(複数)を直に連合国最高司令官の許に派遣すること
三 降伏の受理及びこれが実施の為ダグラス・マッカーサー」元帥が連合国最高司令官に任命せられたる処同元帥は正式降服の時、場所及び其の他詳細事項に関し日本国政府に通報すべし


発信日時 8月15日前4:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 356



発信日時 8月15日後4:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 357


[Note of the Japanese Government of August 14 to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union Expressing its Desire with Reference to the Execution of Certain Provisions of the Potsdam Declaration]

The Japanese Government would like to be permitted to state to the Governments of America, Britain, China and the Soviet Union what they most earnestly desire with reference to the execution of certain Provisions of the Potsdam Proclamation. This may be done possibly at the time of the Signature. But fearing that they may not be able to find an appropriate opportunity, they take the liberty of addressing the Governments of the four Powers through the good offices of the Government of Switzerland.
In view of the fact that the purpose of occupation as mentioned in the Potsdam Proclamation is solely to secure the achievement of the basic objectives set forth in the said Proclamation, the Japanese Government sincerely desire that the four Powers, relying upon the good faith of the Japanese Government, will facilitate discharge by the Japanese Government of their obligations as to forestall any unnecessary complications.
It is earnestly solicited that :
(a) In case of the entry of Allied fleets or troops in Japan Proper, the Japanese Government be notified in advance, so that arrangements can be made for reception.
(b) The number of the points in Japanese territory to be designated by the Allies for occupation be limited to minimum number, selection of the points be made in such a manner as to leave such a city as Tokyo unoccupied and the forces to be stationed at each point be made as small as possible.
2. Disarming of the Japanese forces, being a most delicate task as it involves over three millions of officers and men overseas and having direct bearing on their honour, the Japanese Government will, of course, take utmost pains. But it is suggested that the best and the most effective method would be that under the command of His Majesty the Emperor, the Japanese forces are allowed to disarm themselves and surrender arms of their own accord.
Disarming of the Japanese forces on the Continent be carried out beginning on the front line and in successive stages.
In connection with the disarming it is hoped that Article 35 of the Hague Convention will be applied, and the honour of the soldier will be respected, permitting them, for instance, to wear swords. Further, the Japanese Government be given to understand the Allies have no intention to employ disarmed Japanese soldiers for compulsory labour. It is sincerely hoped that shipment and transportation facilities necessary for the evacuation of the soldiers to their homeland will be speedily provided.
3. Since some forces are located in remote places, difficult to communicate the Imperial order, it is desired that reasonable time be allowed before the cessation of hostilities.
4. It is hoped that the Allies will be good enough quickly to take necessary steps or extend us facilities for the shipment of indispensable foodstuffs and medical supplies to Japanese forces in distant islands, and for the transport of wounded soldiers from those islands.


発信日時 8月15日後3:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 358




(1) 聯合国側ノ艦隊又ハ軍隊ノ日本本土進入ニ付テハ日本側準備ノ関係モアリ予メ其ノ予定ヲ通報アリタキコト
(2) 聯合国ノ指定スヘキ日本国領域内ノ占領ノ地点ハ其ノ数ヲ最少限度ニ止メ且其ノ選択ニ当リ例ヘハ東京ヲ除外スルコト並ニ右当該地点ニ派駐セラルル兵力モ象徴的程度ニ止ムルコト
二、武装解除ハ海外ニ在ル三百万余ノ軍隊ニ関聯アルト共ニ日本将兵ノ名誉ニ直接触レタル最モ困難機微ナル問題ナルコト言ヲ俟タサル所ニシテ之カ実施ニ付テハ帝国政府ニ於テ最モ苦慮シ居ル次第ナルカ之カ実効ヲ期スル最善ノ方法トシテハ 天皇陛下ノ御命令ニ基キ帝国軍自ラ実施シ聯合国ハ其ノ円滑ナル実施ノ結果武器ノ引渡ヲ受クルモノト致度
三、 停戦ニ関シテハ遠隔ノ地ニ在ル部隊ニ 天皇陛下ノ御命令ヲ充分ニ徹底ヲ期スル要アルヲ以テ停戦ノ実施期日ニ付テハ幾分ノ余裕ヲ置カレ度


発信日時 8月15日前11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 359



発信日時 8月15日前11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞西加瀬公使 電信番号 360



発信日時 8月15日前11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 196



発信日時 8月15日後4:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 197



発信日時 8月15日 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 198



発信日時 8月15日前11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 199



発信日時 8月15日前11:00 発信者 東郷外務大臣 宛先者 在瑞典岡本公使 電信番号 200



発信日時 8月16日後7:20 着信日時 8月17日前10:45 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 東郷外務大臣 電信番号 897



発信日時 8月25日後4:31 着信日時 8月26日前6:40 発信者 在瑞西加瀬公使 宛先者 重光外務大臣 電信番号 926



発信日時 8月26日後5:30 発信者 在軽井沢大久保公使 宛先者 重光外務大臣 電信番号 22



発信日時 8月26日後5:30 発信者 在瑞典岡本公使 宛先者 重光外務大臣 電信番号 211



発信日時 昭和20年8月9日



発信日時 昭和20年8月14日

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