Shigeshi Nagata

Shigeshi Nagata was born in Toyohira Village, Suwa District, Nagano Prefecture. In 1907, he joined the Nippon Rikkokai, travelled to the United States in 1908 and returned from the United States in December 1913 and was appointed the 2nd chairperson of the Nippon Rikkokai. He toured around South America in 1910, and was director of the Shinano Kaigai Kyokai (Shinano Overseas Society) and established the Nippon Rikkokai Kaigai Gakko (Nippon Rikkokai Overseas School) in 1922. In 1924 he again travelled to South America for the establishment of the Alianca Settlement and returned in 1925. He travelled to Manchuria in 1932 to conduct emigration surveys, established the Manshu Rikko Gakuen (Manchuria Rikko School) in 1934 and established the Manshu Shinkyo Rikko Mura (Manchuria Hsinking Rikko Village) in 1937. His writings include "Nanbei Ichijun" (Tour of South America) (1921), "Ryobei Saijun" (Touring both Americas again) (1924), Ryobei Sanjun (Touring both Americas for the third time) (1932) and "Nippon no Gaien - Kaigai ni Nobiru Hitobito" (Japan's outer garden – people extending their activties to overseas) (1962).

Image “Shigeshi Nagata”