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Evolution of the Meiji State

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b. Establishment of the Imperial Diet

2-15 National Diet Member Sugoroku (Game of Dice)

Nishiki-e of a meeting in Imperial Diet, depicted by YOSHU Chikanobu, 1891 (Meiji 24) Collection of Parliamentary Museum
Nishiki-e of a meeting in Imperial Diet, depicted by YOSHU Chikanobu, 1891 (Meiji 24) (Collection of Parliamentary Museum)

This game of dice, which went on sale shortly after the Imperial Diet opened, treated the Diet as its theme. It was to be played with four sides - the Conservative Party (cherry), Liberal Party (bamboo), Reform Party (pine), and Neutral Party (willow). The goal was to determine who would reach the center where the assembly was pictured. The rules to the game included such statements as When it is not your turn and another party's piece is aligned with yours, there will be an incident in your electaural district, and he will be forced to go back. The continuing rolls of the dice may result in statements such as, "You will be greatly demoralized on account of obstructions by political thugs," and you would be told to the begining and with the same consequence. This game reveals the lights side of parliamentary politics of the time.

Sugoroku (game of dice) Lampooning Diet Members

Sugoroku (game of dice) Lampooning Diet Members
  • Board Game Published on 6 December 1892 (Meiji 25)
  • Constitutional Government Documents Collection, #1238
  • National Diet Library
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