Home > Help > User Registration, Registered-user card > Application Procedure, Update and Deregistration

Help : Application Procedure, Update and Deregistration

Frequently asked questions

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What sort of procedures are required to register as a user?
National Diet Library user registration is divided into for Individuals and for Institutions. For more information about Application Procedure, please see the following page.

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What forms of personal ID are valid for user registration (Individuals)?
A personal document issued by some public institution that specifies your full name, date of birth, and current residential address. This document must be currently valid. For more information, please see the following page.

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How long does the user registration process take?
If you wish to apply through NDL Search:
Verifying your application will take about 5 business days.
If you wish to register at the Tokyo Main Library:
The registration process is usually completed in 20 minutes or less, but it may take more time when the Library is busy.
If you wish to register at the Kansai-kan Library:
The registration process is usually completed in 10 minutes or less, but it may take more time when the Library is busy.
If you wish to register by mail:
You will need to wait about 2 weeks for the above documents, excluding time for postal delivery.

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I would like to change and delete my registered information.
You can change your information via NDL Search.

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